In the last few years, it’s been hard to read about training without tripping over a reference to the 70:20:10 model…and with good reason! Time and again, it has been proven to be a hugely effective approach which delivers long-lasting results.
What is 70:20:10?
Quite simply, 70:20:10 is an approach which lays out the percentage of learning which occurs through different methods. Research shows that 70% of retained learning happens via experience; the on-the-job, hands-on challenges which build experience and develop ability. The 20% section comes from relationships with peers, trainers and mentors. Surprisingly, just 10% of learning results from formal programmes and coursework.
Why does it matter?
Far from being an L&D fad, this method is a tried-and-tested way of maximising learning. Multiple experts have proven its value. More importantly, it’s also a key ingredient in Discovery’s training recipe…
How does it work?
Discovery’s programmes – both long and short – are all based on the 70:20:10 model, meaning they offer far greater return on investment. For example, our methods boast a 90% graduate retention rate after twelve months, whilst the industry average for graduate retention is just 75% (Source: CEB).
We deliver the 70% most significantly through the highly experiential nature of our courses. This approach gives participants the chance to try new activities for the first time in a safe training environment, where failure has no real-life business impact. The spacing of our modules and training days, with a gap of 1-3 months between structured sessions, also gives delegates the opportunity to test-drive new skills in the real-life working environment. They then return to us to hone their techniques according to challenges or successes they have experienced following the first training session. This mixture of experience makes our courses extremely effective, since it provides a varied 70% element.
The 20% is delivered in several different ways. The majority of our programmes are open, meaning delegates benefit from sharing the experience with professionals from different companies and sectors. On closed programmes, delegates are able to work with peers and colleagues in a new environment, developing workplace relationships and allowing them to learn from each other. Each participant also benefits from on-going support, coaching and mentoring from our L&D experts, meaning the learning doesn’t stop when the course finishes.
The final 10% is, of course, delivered through the structured training days our facilitators provide, as well as integrated professional qualifications on some longer programmes. Although formal training alone makes up just 10% of overall learning, we firmly believe that our effective, experiential training sessions provide a fundamental basis for further, long-term learning and development.
For more on how the OPEN Programme in particular applies this model, click here.