Leaving the confines of university after graduation can be a pretty daunting time for anyone. With the real world of work and money suddenly creeping up on you, it can be difficult to get on the right career track, meaning landing your perfect graduate job can be a tricky task.
What all graduates should keep in mind is how important it is to know that it’s okay to not know what you’re doing! But for those of you who like to have a plan in place, here are six steps guaranteed to land you that perfect graduate role.
1. Focus your efforts and work hard to achieve your ultimate goal

It sounds simple, but the very first thing you should do is to decide upon a career path that interests you and ideally that you are qualified for. It’s important to choose something you are passionate about because you are more likely to come across a great deal more enthusiastic during interviews – a trait employers absolutely love.
Employers dislike vague job applications and CVs so it is important to tailor yours to a specific industry or career path to ensure the employer or interviewer is aware of where you are looking to go in your career.
Job applications – and CVs – should always demonstrate your passion and interest in a certain sector, so be sure to include this within all submission forms.

2. Remember, your first job won’t define your career

Many graduates believe their first job out of university is their career defining one. It isn’t. So, don’t put so much pressure on yourself. You will change over the course of the next few years, as will the business world and the job market, so it is important to decide what you would like to do in the short-term to ensure your decision is more manageable.
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when it comes to finding your job. You’re young and that means that you can test the water out. If you don’t like a specific role or you don’t fit in a certain industry, that’s fine. It’s all about trial and error.

3. Understand the networking capabilities of social media

Believe it or not, social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter aren’t just useful for the occasional selfie. They are the perfect place to find jobs that are local and ideal for you. The best way for you to show your interest in a certain career path is by joining discussions on Twitter and LinkedIn as this will ensure employers are familiar with your name and face.
Head hunters are known for trawling through users on social media platforms so it is important to ensure you are recognised. So, get networking and making contacts in the sector you wish to join. A study revealed that 40% of employers use social media to screen candidates.[1]

So, keep your profile clean, professional and make the most of what these platforms have to offer.

4. Be in charge of your job search

In order to be successful you should ensure that you are in charge of your own job search. Understand your own skills, strengths and weaknesses. Once you have done this you can actively search out employers. There’s no need to wait for adverts on job boards and there’s no harm in emailing your CV to local businesses in your field of choice.

5. Don’t give up

Due to high levels of competition for graduate jobs in the UK, it is easy to feel disheartened at times, especially if you don’t get the first job you apply for. But, don’t panic, this is normal. It is a competitive market out there – that isn’t going to change – and that is why it is so important to ensure your CV stands out and that you network with the right people.
Finding your first graduate job can be a difficult task, but it’s important to be as transparent as possible on your application while demonstrating your passion and enthusiasm for the role and industry.

[1] Source: