
If there’s something we can relate to at Discovery Graduates, it’s the recent article published by The Guardian: A graduate guide to successfully working with recruiters.

A brief, but to the point, article explaining the graduate recruitment process from the point of view of the recruiter, and there isn’t anything we can disagree with here.

The article has nine main points:

  • Be honest – We just need as many facts as you can provide. What skills do you really have? How much do you really need to earn? Are you actually able to relocate? It may seem pretty obvious now, but many recruiters have become accustomed to hearing a few tall tales, so just keep it honest and we’ll be getting you a job in no time.


  • Engage on the phone- If you’re driving, out for a run, or in the middle of the most epic X Box battle of this century, then it isn’t an ideal time to talk to us. We are there to interview you, and every phone call we conduct should be treated as an informal interview. Communicate well, and don’t schedule a call that you can’t take.


  • Read job descriptions properly – We understand that you might be reading one hundred job descriptions a week, however skim reading will only make it clear to us later that you don’t have a full understanding of the role. Take your time and be sure that you have the skills to do the job you’re applying for.


  • Tailor your job applications – Similarly to above, be conscientious when applying for positions. The employer will notice the generic applications, they’ve been delving through as many CVs as you’ve been sending out and they will only notice the ones that stand out. So, for our sakes and for yours, be specific when you apply and be sure to know what you’re applying for.


  • Take our advice- If a recruiter is advising you to change your CV, it isn’t to patronise, it is simply to help you. We want you to represent yourself to the best of your ability, so don’t just keep sending back the same CV with minor alterations. Learn to take constructive criticism and, trust us, know we’re only trying to help.


  • Don’t be patronising – Ok, so you may have a degree in astro- physics, but we know what employers are looking for. It’s never nice to be patronised, and especially not when you’re just trying to do your job the best that you can. So, even if the recruiter isn’t about to go calculating the surface area of Jupiter, they do know what will get you the job you’re applying for. Trust our judgement.


  • Be patient – We understand the frustration you feel when awaiting a response after an interview. We also promise that we will get back to you as soon as the client has let us know of their decision. We will also, however, be in contact beforehand to provide an update. So hang in there, we can only go as fast as the process allows.


  • Give appropriate notice – We have all heard ‘the dog ate my homework’ excuse. When it comes to an interview we have gone to great lengths to organise, or an assessment day which we have invited you to and prepared you for, we request that you please inform us as far in advance as possible if you are unable to attend. There are other applicants who could take your place, and it’s common courtesy to inform someone of your absence.


  • Never contact the employer directly- This reflects badly on us as a recruiter and will do you no favours in getting the job you’ve applied for. If you are in fact rejected for a role you have applied for, then consider that we may have softened the feedback, and our client may have a few things to say that you don’t want to hear.

The best way we as a recruiter can help you is if you work with us. It’s an odd experience, as we provide you with a positive service for which you don’t pay a penny! We, on the other hand, are investing in you and our client is relying on us to ensure you’re right for their business. So, just follow the guide above and remember, we are here to help!

To read the full, original Guardian article follow this link.