How do you ensure that you are effectively investing in the future of your organisation?
The recruitment and training sector operates in a saturated and disparate market, underpinned by practices that no longer best serve organisations for the challenges of a modern, global landscape. 87% of companies are struggling to fill job openings. There needs to be a shift in focus regarding recruitment processes. Going from attracting ‘the best talent’, to attracting the best talent for your company.
Workplaces and jobs are evolving at a rapid pace.
A staggering 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 are not even invented yet. This highlights how important it is to recruit for the future. Achieving this requires a greater emphasis on a candidate’s level of potential. However, it will remain significantly harder to attract these high-potential candidates while skills and experience-driven recruitment processes continue to rule-out individuals based on their previous experience rather than looking at their compatibility with the company culture, values, and behaviours.
For example, over a third of the UK’s top employers say that regardless of academic results or university attended, it is “not very likely” or “not at all likely” that a graduate with no previous experience would be successful in landing a job at their firms.
But, when it comes to graduates, experience isn’t always everything…
Whilst reference to previous experience will continually attract good candidates; a considerable number of recent graduates are relatively inexperienced when entering the working world. As a result, your business could miss out on the high-calibre graduates who have the potential to drive the business forward and become your future leaders.
So, what needs to change?
There needs to be a switch in mindset from ‘what has the individual previously done?’ to ‘what is the candidate capable of?’. To effectively facilitate this, CVs should be utilised as a point of reference rather than a decision maker.
Think about it…
The British forces don’t recruit based on skills and experience. They recognise that these are not key drivers of performance.
The Royal Navy will have some of the best Weapons Engineers in the world – yet they don’t recruit weapons engineers. They recruit high-potential talent who display an ability to be trained.
The road to successful recruitment can seem complex. Nearly 60% of job seekers have had a poor candidate experience, but this doesn’t have to be the case.
Building benchmarks is an effective way to measure candidates in line with your overall business strategy, values and cultures.
It allows you to develop a consistent and balanced recruitment process with a greater focus on desirable competencies and behaviours. You’ll gain a better indication of a candidate’s ability and willingness to learn and develop, helping you to determine their long-term potential within your company.
Recruiting individuals that are better aligned with your business, will boost productivity, boost retention, and aid in building a strong succession plan.
However, securing your top talent is only half the battle…
With the high cost of employee turnover, and 94% of employees stating that they would stay at a company longer if it provided development opportunities, what are you doing to ensure that you’re retaining your top talent?
Whether it’s longstanding employees or individuals in the early stages of their careers, investing in talent development can build a strong succession plan and talent pipeline for the future.
Addressing the skills gap
Your business can only be as successful as your employees’ abilities to drive it forward. 64% of L&D professionals said that reskilling the current workforce to fill skills gaps is a priority right now.
Blended learning is a method that has proven to effectively upskill employees and integrate training into real-business scenarios. They will gain deeper learnings that are applicable to the working world. Your employees will be exposed to varied tools such as:
- Experiential learning to identify and develop individual skills gaps
- Classroom sessions to focus on behaviour
- Group activities for peer learning and feedback
Businesses that will thrive will be those that grow their own talent, creating a skilled and diverse workforce.
As experts in behaviour, the Discovery team recognise the importance of aligning your recruitment and training to your company’s culture, values, and behaviours. This ensures that you have the right people, in the right roles, with the right skills and behaviours. They’ll become more effective within their role, a genuine asset to the business, and contribute to long-term success. If you are looking for further support in talent recruitment and development, please contact us.