Graduates with certificates

You don’t need to have an Arts degree to use your own qualification to explore your creative side when it comes to choosing a career.

Often the word ‘creative’ is tied in with artistic disciplines, but this doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of ways for graduates to get involved in innovative work and industries, no matter what your degree might be. In fact, current demand for financial expertise and business planning professionals means that almost every avenue is open if you look in the right places.

From fashion through to technological and manufacturing-based sectors, there are numerous opportunities to work in areas that deal with new ideas and concepts every day.


Educational courses that are aimed specifically at people who want to work at the sharp end of creative disciplines are common, but often these appeal to people who already have a good idea of where they want their career to go from an early stage of the educational process.

For others who chose a degree that offered more flexibility regarding where they could enter into the job market, there are perhaps even more chances to get creative.


Being innovative is a natural talent for some and for others it can be a skill that is taught. Managing and interpreting data to come up with the basic concepts that can move a business forward are skills that are in demand across the board, so knowing how to be creative in these areas can mean you have transferable skills across a wide spectrum.

With digital markets evolving at a furious pace, new manufacturing processes and other ways of working are changing the way businesses are run. This means that whatever your own qualifications, having a personally creative outlook can give you the edge when it comes to that all-important interview.


Using ideas in a dynamic way isn’t just confined to what are usually thought of as the creative occupations, so even if your degree is considered by some to be a little ‘dry’, you might be surprised at how much scope there is to apply it to some of the most challenging and forward thinking areas of operations.

Ultimately, it is down to each individual graduate to decide how they want to put their own talents and educational experiences to work. Think about where opportunities might exist and don’t be afraid to think outside-the-box. This is especially the case during interviews, as businesses will tend to welcome new ways of thinking and innovative approaches and suggestions that could boost their own operations.

If you’re a recent graduate and are keen to ensure you put all your newly learnt skills to good use, have an informal chat with Discovery Graduates today and see how they can help you