Graduate mortar board

We know in certain industries, such as engineering and manufacturing, there has been a recent crisis of a skills gap. For quite a few years, this kind of industry was seen as “undesirable” and entrants of the younger generation were minimal.

It is predicted that talent challenges cost the industry £10 billion a year in missed opportunities and increased salaries. In recent years there has been a push to encourage new entrants into industry, promoting training and benefits. However, there will be a legacy left by those few stale years.

One of the most common things we hear from many businesses is that as the skilled workers head closer to retirement, the graduates that are now coming through, whilst are eager and comfortable with technology, lack the extensive skill set of the retirees. Which is creating a huge problem as the industry loses those fully skilled workers. Are new entrants ready to become managers? If not who else will replace them?

This is where there comes a need for closer collaboration with colleges, universities and institutes. Tomorrow’s leaders of your business are still being moulded today. New talent needs hands on experience more than ever and much sooner in their early careers and businesses need to reach out to colleges, universities and institutes to address the future skills gaps. Universities such as Loughborough are collaborating with businesses all the time in relevant industries. The Advanced Manufacturing Park in Sheffield runs a very much hands-on apprentice scheme with live on-site workshops and some of the best manufacturers of the world, on hand close by.

So what can you do for your business?


What local educators or institutes produces top talent in your industry? Is there a way you can collaborate with these to offer early graduate work placements during non-term times? Creating long-term partnerships ensures you have the ability to help educate and develop practical skills before graduates even reach employment.

A graduate scheme

Want graduates that really understand your business? Create your own outstanding graduate scheme. Here you can nurture talent whilst at the same time exposing graduates to all areas of your business. Not only does this give them more in-depth knowledge and experience in different departments but it is also integral to fast track graduates to your future management team.

When it comes to future proofing your business and beating the skills gap, there are plenty of options to consider. Not sure where to start? Contact Discovery Graduates, we here to help you find the best solution for your business. Whether it’s just advice, getting your graduate scheme set up or our full support, Discovery Graduates is here to help.