There are multiple business risks associated with Covid-19, such as increasing costs, revenue pressures and maintaining liquidity.
In the midst of this pandemic, it’s easy for recruitment to fall to the back of our minds. However, these turbulent times have compelled the world to change, and with this change comes an opportunity for innovation, creativity and growth.
As business leaders begin to look ahead to try and establish what ‘business as usual’ may look like in a ‘new normal’, workforces need to change, not only to navigate businesses through current uncertainty, but also to ensure the right people are in place to achieve business longevity.
Covid-19 is forcing businesses to take a closer look at their workforce. For a post Covid-19 workforce, every person is going to have to demonstrate their suitability, capability and future stretch. The net result of this is that businesses will need to still need to recruit people, but they will need to use robust processes to avoid the risk of mis-hiring. In turbulent times, businesses can’t afford to get it wrong!
We recognise that factors such as changing customer demand and budget restrictions will play a key part in shaping the current and future structure of a workforce. But, as this shift takes place, there needs to be consideration for future proofing to ensure businesses still have the fresh talent coming through. With just over 40% of employers still planning to recruit graduates, there are a number of implications of not including them in your succession planning. Missing out on this pool of high-potential talent will ultimately lead to a weaker talent pipeline in your workforce post-crisis.
If we were not already aware of the rapid shift towards the digital world before the crisis, we certainly are now. Worryingly, recently published insights suggest that most organisations are concerned about the lack of digital savviness – graduate recruitment can help to alleviate these concerns.
It’s no surprise that Millennials and Gen-Zers are extremely tech savvy. Therefore, their knowledge, competency and understanding of the virtual world would lend a huge helping hand in businesses making the transition to the digital world.
Illness, recruitment freezes and unexpected surges in demand are putting companies under pressure, but, let’s not forget, the pool of highly intelligent, new graduates, who are readily available. By recruiting these individuals, businesses can fill the roles that are urgently needed to optimise daily operations.
Building a workforce in a virtual world
Adapting quickly has proved crucial during this pandemic with 60% of employers moving their assessment centres online, and 71% moving interviews online.
Online assessment centres allow businesses to effectively assess candidates’ knowledge, skills & behaviours against their culture and values. Businesses have also experienced a quicker turnaround and reduced costs by utilising a well-supported virtual assessment centre.
So, taking all of this into consideration, how prepared is your workforce for a post Covid-19 world?
Discovery are extensively known for exceptional graduate recruitment solutions. To combat Covid-19 related issues, we have adapted our services to enable businesses to continue to benefit from great talent.