While having a choice between where you would like to take your first step into the world of work may seem like a good thing, it can actually cause quite a headache, especially if you feel pressure from various companies who are eager to know your decision.
However, if you are that desirable to businesses then you should take your time to work out which option is best for you – finding yourself two months in to a new role and wanting to go in a different direction with your career can end up taking its toll.
Making your decision can be especially difficult if you have only been able to see the company’s office during an interview and if you have only met one or two employees. Ultimately, prioritising your own needs and doing your research can help you make the right decision, but what else should you take into account?
Understanding your motives
What exactly do you want from your job? It may seem like an obvious question but understanding your motives can leave you in a better frame of mind to make a decision. Are you looking to build your way to your dream job? To work for a specific company? Or maybe you are looking for the highest-paid position possible?
Once you have decided what exactly it is that motivates you, you should be able to determine which of the offered roles meets your required needs the most. However, it is important to remember that it is highly unlikely all your needs will be met, which is why prioritising your needs is so important.
Think about the company
It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that a brand you have heard of is going to be a better employer than someone you do not know. Doing your research is vital, specifically on the department that you will be working in.
Taking in to account the size of the business is also integral – at smaller companies it may be the case that you will be given more responsibility and recognition. However, a larger company may present you with more opportunities to progress with your career and gain a stronger foothold in the industry.
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