
In today’s competitive job market the idea of turning down a graduate job offer may seem a little strange, but if you have to relocate to a new town or city you may be a little apprehensive about accepting.

Relocating for work can be a big step no matter your age, experience or skills, so for a recent graduate, there is a lot to think about before you head off into the sunset to a new town or city.

As a result, it can be extremely beneficial to take a step back and think things through before jumping into a decision and regretting it later down the line. But what exactly should you take into account when deciding?

Can you adapt?

If you really are going to make the right decision, then it is important to be honest with yourself first and foremost. Start thinking about how easily you adapted to life at university and whether or not it was a smooth transition for you, it may help you understand how quickly you can adapt to a new environment.

Whilst initially at university you may have had time to adapt and come to terms with your new surroundings, at a graduate job you will more than likely be required to hit the ground running and start performing right away.

The role itself

Pretty much everyone would find it difficult to turn down their dream job, no matter the location, so you should really think about the position itself. Is it with your ideal company or does it suit your skills and expertise down to the ground?

When looking at the position it is important to do as much research as you can, think about what your day-to-day work will consist of and whether or not there is a clear path for progression. A job may not seem ideal on the outside but it may actually be a great start to your career if you dig a little deeper.

Your own decision

It is only natural that when you are unsure about something you seek advice from your family and friends, but make sure you stay in control of the decision, after all, it is your career. Consider them when making the decision, but do not do anything just to keep them happy or because a friend might miss you, follow your own path.

If you’re a graduate looking to kick-start your career, have a chat with Discovery Graduates and see how they can help get you started.