With a desire to sample all that the world of work has to offer, many of today’s employees’ no longer hold on to the idea of a job for life.
And rather than head out in search of a new role once the classic seven-year itch sets in, workers are ready to experiment with their career paths a full 12 months earlier.
This is according to the findings of ‘Job Satisfaction Index’ by recruiter OfficeTeam. It found that on average UK workers felt that people should stay in a job for six years before looking for a new employer.
The Index also revealed that in reality UK workers stay in their first roles for a shorter period than this, committing an average of four years to their first employers.
Economic climate impacting career decisions
The UK’s economic backdrop appears to have a bearing on career decisions, with some employees arguing that they would have stayed in their roles for longer had the economic climate been better. On a regional basis this figure was strongest in the capital (36%), while the top five was completed by the following:
• Northern Ireland – 34%
• Wales – 24%
• South East -22%
• East Midlands – 22%
Workers over 34 likely to stay in their jobs for longer
Workers over 34 (35-54 year olds) are likely to stay in their roles for longer than 18-34 year olds, with these respective figures standing at an average of five years and an average of three years.
Commenting on the Index findings, Rachel Stockell, Senior Manager at OfficeTeam, said: “The recession began six years ago and a quarter of respondents said they had stayed in their role longer than they would have done in better financial conditions. The double whammy of economic recovery and the natural tendency to change jobs at six year intervals is likely to herald a new war for talent as experienced staff become even more in demand than they are already.

“We are beginning to see a real shift from a buyer’s job market where employers have a wide choice of candidates to a seller’s market where employees can pick and choose. Employers should expect to compete for the best performers, and that includes their existing staff.”