work experience

Stepping into the working environment is not easy, especially if you have never held a job or haven’t had much experience. The transition from an academic environment to the real world can be daunting for many students. So, the question is, what can help me in this difficult process?! The answer is easy and simple…  basic work experience.

How can this help? Well here are 5 reasons why:


Recruiters absolutely look for experience, why is that? Because it is evidence that you have actually done work and that you are motivated to get into a chosen career and you don’t spend your summer lazing around! It also shows you have passion and interest to actually work.

Unfortunately, according to recent stats, there has been a downfall in teenagers undertaking a part time job. It is revealed that only 18% of 16 and 17-year-olds work part-time, compared to 42% in 1997.


If you have no idea what career you want to go into, work experience is a perfect way to help you make that difficult decision. It’s a way of exploring different jobs without actually committing to anything. You get to experiment in different job sectors until you find the one which is right for you.


Experience is a way of getting introduced the working life. Vitally, it’ll give you an idea of the skills you might need to thrive in the workplace. You’ll get to know the do’s and don’ts and what it is like in the actual working environment.


It’s all about networking and building contacts. Gaining work experience is a great way to build references and perhaps getting recommended to other employers and organisations. It also a good way to finding out about industries and jobs you did not know even existed and had never really thought about, in which you may find yourself to be highly interested in!


And of course, the most obvious reason… It looks good on your CV! Recruiters love seeing whether you have experience. It’s not only beneficial to you but it is also beneficial to them in order to increase the productivity of their business. You have the opportunity to demonstrate your great skills and qualities, which could eventually be transferrable skills into your dream career.

Think about it, you will not be the only person applying for that one position, there’s going to be loads of graduates like you, so how can you stand out from the crowd? Valuable work experience.