Within the whole process of locating and hiring a talented graduate, the job description can easily be overlooked and may end up not reflecting the actual position. As a result, companies can find themselves inundated with applications from those who are not qualified, or it may even put off ambitious employees who do not feel they have been given enough information.
A study from Business in the Community and the City and Guilds Group has found that young job seekers are being put off from applying for entry level or first jobs by too much business-speak within the job description, leaving them unsure about their suitability and what their day-to-day responsibilities would be.
Over a third of the job descriptions assessed in the survey were found to contain unclear jargon, acronyms or technical language which put young people off applying, whilst more than half of them did not have a clear job description.
Attract the right applicants
For many companies, the screening process can be a challenge and it becomes even harder when there is a high volume of applicants. Interviewing hundreds of potential employees can be draining for a business in terms of both time and money, so making sure the job description attracts the right level of talent is essential.
If recruiting for a graduate positon, think about the requirements of the role. Does an applicant need to have some experience working within an office environment, be it through a work experience or internship, or are you happy for this to be their first experience?
Establishing your expectations straight away can ensure that anyone applying knows where they stand, and means that you can drastically reduce the level of speculative applications that you receive.
Foundation of the recruitment process
Sitting down and thinking through exactly what you want from a new hire in the position can also be the perfect foundation for a thorough and successful recruitment process. The more you know about the role and day-to-day responsibilities, the easier it is to align all of the other elements of the process, such as interviews.
If you’re an employer looking to attract the best graduate talent, find out how Discovery Graduates can help.